Development organizations are facing a challenge
– the transformation of tools vendors into SaaS-only companies.
What does this mean?
What used to be true since the peak times of client/server software is no longer valid. Self-deployed software these days is often seen as a necessity, but no longer the favorite model for software vendors. This is also true for vendors of software development tools. Just to be clear, SaaS (Software-as-a-service) does not mean to install, run and deploy tools on Cloud-servers, or use offerings from large Cloud providers, but sign up for a subscription that is solely deployed and managed by the vendor.
What is seen as given for other enterprise solutions like helpdesk or CRM systems, is still causing a bad feeling in software development teams. Particularly system engineering companies or enterprises from other regulated industries still fear to put their crown jewels and unique secrets into Cloud solutions. Typical concerns are
To cut a long story short – psychological barriers are way more often the real causes for not evaluating the cloud options. Perceived lack of control, the reduction within support teams and the elimination of owned infrastructure cause heartburn.
Support and deployment of Cloud-based infrastructures will get a different meaning. Teams are no longer forced to do standard tasks like backup, firedrills, updates and patches (see above), but can focus an evolving the entire setup focus on the setup rather than managing the bare metal hardware. Distributed teams are enabled to collaborate more easily, faster and benefit from the latest features that become available without disturbing downtimes for maintenance. The right cloud strategy for development organizations will help to transform and unleash resources to focus on the content instead of administration.
For further information and a bespoken approach to start your Cloud journey visit us at … or contact us directly here
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